Y6-7 Transition

We understand that the move from primary to secondary school is a significant moment in your child’s academic journey so we have put together a Transition Programme to ensure it is as smooth and exciting as possible.  

Between April and July 2025, all Year 6 Offer Holders are invited to attend the school for four different events, detailed below. There is a supplementary transition programme for students with an EHCP or who are on their primary school’s SEN register.

Offer Holder Open Morning – Tuesday 29th April 2025

An opportunity for all the students and families who have been offered a place for September 2025 to come and meet key members of staff and take a look around our school. 

Leadership Meetings

We think it is important that every offer holder, and their parents, has a chance to discuss their start to Holland Park School with a member of our Senior Leadership Team or their future Head of Year. This is an opportunity to understand the ethos and character of our school and to ask any questions both general and particular to your child’s needs. It is also our chance to get to know your child before they start in September. The meetings are likely to last 15 minutes, and will take place after the summer half term. 

Taster Day – Wednesday 2nd July 2025

Our Taster Day for all offer holders will be on Wednesday, 2nd July during the normal school day.This event will be led by Ms Bott, Assistant Principal for Key Stage Three.

Uniform Show - Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th June 2025

This is an opportunity for new students and parents to come and try on uniform items and purchase everything they need for the new academic year.

SEND Transition Programme

Catherine Hill, Assistant Principal - SENDCo, has designed a transition programme for our offer holders who either have an EHCP or are on their primary school’s SEN register, which commences from Wednesday 4th June. Ms Hill will be in contact with the families of students with EHCPs directly. For those offer holders on their primary school’s SEN register, you may wish your child to attend the Year 6 Taster Morning on Tuesday 1st July and you are welcome to join the SEND parent coffee morning on Thursday 3rd July. 


Once you have been offered a place at Holland Park School, the next step is to complete and return your Welcome Pack, without which you will not be able to register for either the Transition Programme or uniform show.  

Please return your completed Welcome Pack to admissions@hollandparkschool.co.uk  or, alternatively, you can hand in hard copies to our reception team between 8am and 4pm in term time.  

All Welcome Packs must be returned by no later than Friday, 25th April 2025.  

Once you have returned your completed Welcome Pack, we will be able to advise you as to which house your child will be in and, thus, which colour PE top you will need to purchase.  


If you have any queries in relation to:

  • Transition Programme or procurement of uniform, please contact Olivia Hill, Assistant Principal – Admissions: Olivia.Hill@hollandparkschool.co.uk
  • Completion of the Welcome Pack, please contact our reception team: info@hollandparkschool.co.uk
  • Students who either have an EHCP, have been referred for an EHCP or are on the SEN register at primary school, please contact Catherine Hill, Assistant Principal – SENDCo: Catherine.Hill@hollandparkschool.co.uk 


SEND Parent Coffee Morning Slides 2024

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