Pastoral Care

At Holland Park School we believe that students who are happy, fulfilled, feel safe and nurtured are best equipped to develop into well-rounded, confident young people. The school has developed a pastoral system that places the safety, wellbeing and happiness of our students
at the heart of what we do.

All students have a tutor who they meet with every single morning.

Tutors get to know the unique character of each of their tutees and are there to ensure they are ready to learn, happy and engaging with school. They are there to provide guidance to students to navigate school
life and any issues that might arise from time to time. Tutors have a wide range of tools at their disposal to help them monitor and track students’ mental health and tutees are encouraged to
engage in regular dialogue with their tutor.

As the first point of contact for parents, we expect tutors to form strong relationships with tutees’ families. 

Tutors are supported by a wider pastoral team, including a Head of Year, who manages more significant pastoral concerns, an Assistant Principal with responsibility for each Key Stage, the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead, and a wide range of visiting services and mental health professionals.

students in Years 7-11 benefit from the support of non-teaching Assistant Heads of Year, whose primary role is to monitor carefully the well-being of students in their care and safeguard them vigilantly.

In addition, the school has an in-house counselling offered by Place2Be, and the school’s Wellbeing Ambassador team are its liveliest and most popular form of student leadership.
The school believes that students’ personal development goes hand in hand with academic success. Every student will face a degree of challenge at some point in their school life and our
pastoral system is in place to ensure that students have support available to guide them through any rough patches.

All students receive an hour of PSHE provision each week: these lessons cover topics such as cultivating healthy relationships, e-safety, life skills and strategies to promote a healthy mind and
body. These lessons help equip students with the core skills and knowledge they will need to navigate their teenage years successfully.

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