
Holland Park School aims to provide the information, advice and guidance for our students to establish informed decisions about their future. We provide the resources and support for students to prepare themselves for their next steps into further education or the world of work. 

The Holland Park Careers Programme provides focus and direction to everything a student learns giving meaning to where each subject may lead and the importance of having as good an academic foundation as possible. We strive to assist students to achieve their goals with a coordinated approach by embedding careers within the curriculum while recognising the value that extra-mural activities bring to the development of rounded individuals. We are doing this with a clear careers plan approved at governor level. We ensure that we have appropriate resources for students to access independent, impartial information about their options throughout their time here.  

 The school is also guided by the CDI Framework so that with the Gatsby Benchmarks Holland Park School is setting itself high achievement goals for the ultimate benefit of our students. 

What students can expect at Holland Park School 

  • Access to UniFrog profile
  • Access to labour market Information and career activities (co-curricular) 
  • Careers assemblies and workshops: Employer Engagement, Further Education and College Encounters 
  • Careers Hub: Opportunity to have a careers appointment with a trained careers adviser
  • Weekly careers clinic 
  • Trips: Opportunities to go on trips that inform about careers and the world of work 
  • Speakers Programme with industry leaders
  • Visiting alumni
  • Parents’ Information Evenings 

Robert McCarthy

All enquiries related to our Careers provision should be directed to Robert McCarthy, Head of Careers and Vocational on or by calling 0207 9081000.

Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers. It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects.

Additional Useful Careers Websites

Target Careers  Advice for school leavers covering areas from apprenticeships to Yr12 work experience opportunities

BBC Bitesize  – lots of information on careers, interviews and CVs

Barclay Lifeskills - Developing work and life skills

Career Planner  - Job profiles

Career Wave  - Career websites by sector

Career Pilot  - a wealth of careers information for 11-19-year olds with a focus on South West information. Explore Job profiles under ‘Jobs’ tabs.

University, Apprenticeship and Creative Careers Resources (11-13) is the admissions service for applying to university. You can search for degrees and find out how to write your personal statement and apply to university. -this is a great website to explore where degrees can lead – search and compare undergraduate courses in the UK – a wealth of independent information on applying to university and also includes league tables - To view the rank order of Universities for your chosen subject area and other useful information about universities - Overview of University rankings -For information on student finance and the National Scholarship Programme - for careers research and information on Russell Group universities - Routes into teaching



BMAT - All about one of the tests for entry onto a medical/dentistry degree - Another test for students regarding entry onto medical/dentistry degree - An insight into 350+ careers within the NHS

Creative Websites  Videos covering a wide variety of creative industry careers  Hertfordshire Website with good insights into creative prospects Escape Studios - Animation... - for artists - cyber security information - for gamers - Job opportunities in the Film Industry


Career Film Clips - great selection of clips of people talking about their careers, you can search by subject/industry or career  – a website with lots of films about different industries – loads of information and films about careers within the NHS


Career/Personality Quizzes  – a quiz to create your own personalised careers cloud  – a quiz to explore careers


CV Writing

Law  - Guide to degrees and careers in Law - Guide to becoming a lawyer

Source of information - showcases the many career opportunities available in the construction and the built environment. Information about mechanical and associated roles in the auto industry - Starting a career in Psychology - Information about the various opportunities and careers within sport - Possible future roles within science and pharmaceuticals - Courses within the Hospitality industry


Apprenticeships  - is the government website providing information on apprenticeships and how to search

Find an apprenticeship ( ) - search engine to search for an apprenticeship vacancy locally and nationwide. By-annual listing of higher and degree apprentices. - Current Apprenticeship opportunities - IT Apprenticeships Overall information of apprenticeships

T-Levels  - T Levels Website T-Levels at a local college Example of T-Level offer locally - T Level Action Plans  - Detailed T Level information on - Management & Administration at Saint Francis Xavier - La Retraite 6


Free Distance Learning Courses

There are several free online courses that students could spend your time working through. Students could learn a new skill, expand knowledge or use it for something extra to write about on their university application!

  • Future Learn offer free online courses in a whole range of subjects
  • Open University Free Courses offer 1000 free courses across 8 subjects
  • Alison | Free Online Courses & Online Learning – free courses in all sorts of subjects


Subscription Courses - Future Learn


Virtual Work Experience  - Speakers For Schools  - Springpod – work experience platform  - UpTree (the professional Network connecting young people with employers) Forage Work Experience – they link students to Fortune 500 employers Free Virtual Work Experience Programs from Top Companies


Parent Information - Information about courses and opportunities - Many useful insights directed at parents - A parent’s toolkit for career conversations Explains the difference between Colleges and 6th Forms - Useful information about choices at different levels

Send Information Government information Transition Guide


Key Stage 3/Key Stage 4
  • Students are encouraged to identify personal traits, strengths and skills and develop confidence and have high expectations of themselves; 
  • Vocational profiles are begun; 
  • Students are introduced to careers resources and informed how to use them; 
  • Students build on personal strengths and begin to link skills to specific careers enabling realistic and informed decisions at transition stages; 
  • Students are introduced to the world of work and how it is constantly changing; 
  • Students are introduced to careers software and websites; 
  • Students are encouraged to think about what they might like to achieve after school; 
  • Students explore post 16 pathways;  
  • Students are assisted with CV writing and encouraged to have a completed a CV and cover letter; 
  • They are encouraged to use careers resources available and informed where to find out more about specific courses/careers. 
Key Stage 5
  • Students are encouraged to reassess personal strengths with a focus on transferable skills; 
  • Students are encouraged to investigate different jobs and careers and what they mean in terms of lifestyle, budgeting and a good work/life balance and develop economic awareness; 
  • Students are encouraged to challenge stereotypes within the world of work and traditional job roles; 
  • Students have a wide range of opportunities to engage with a range of local business, FE, and training providers; 
  • Economic awareness is developed further and students are encouraged to think about employability, which careers appeal to them and to identify and set themselves realistic future goals;  
  • Students complete work experience; 
  • Students review their C.V., develop interview techniques and complete a mock interview with a local employer; 
  • Students are supported with post 19 choices and encouraged to consider all their options including further study and apprenticeships. Students get dedicated careers tutorials with the school’s Head of Careers and Leader of Sixth Form and this does include detailed guidance on university applications: including determining appropriate choices and writing personal statements; 
  • Students are encouraged to think about the kind of behaviour potential employers look for; 
  • Students are encouraged to attend careers talks, fairs, college open days and taster days with employers; 
  • Preparation for interviews and pre-admissions testing is provided by the Sixth Form Team; 
  • Encouragement and support with entering ‘super-curricular’ activities such as university essay competitions and study programmes such as the UNIQ Summer School and Sutton Trust; 
  • Support with visiting university open days and taster courses to develop students’ application profile;  
  • Extension activities in lessons as well as in the sixth form extra-curricular programme that facilitate skills that will be employed in university and professional life;  
  • PSHCE curriculum that includes a focus on study skills that are applicable to university and professional life; 
  • The opportunity to take part in charity fundraising and enterprise activities; 
  • The opportunity to engage in the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme. 
Careers and SEND Provision

Every pupil with SEND follows the same programme of careers as their peers, with adaption and support from the SEND team and where appropriate bespoke intervention. Pupils with SEND have an interview with the internal careers leader every year from Year 8 and follow-ups as required especially for example before the options process to enable early identification of any necessary adaptions or interventions according to need in order to support their career aspirations. In the spring term, SEND pupils will take part in a careers module, looking at job applications, CVs, and applications. Pupils can self-refer and form tutors are also able to raise concerns. If current provision cannot fully address a pupil’s additional need, advice will be sought from the Head of Careers. The SENDCO meets with parents/carers to discuss option suitability where individual need is likely to have an impact on choices made during the option process. The SENDCO supports work experience placements, ensuring that providers are aware of individual needs, in order to promote a positive experience. 


We are constantly building our connections with employers, educational institutions and the local community. If you would like to participate in any of the following please contact Robert McCarthy, Head of Careers and Employability: 

  • Offer valuable work placement experience to our Year 10 or Year 12 students in July. 
  • Offer mentoring for a sixth form students 
  • Would like to address or host a workshop for students in a Tuesday afternoon speaker’s session. 
  • Assist with mock interviews. 
  • Talk to students about you / your company in our speed dating event. 
Work Experience at Holland Park School

The aim of work experience is to provide an opportunity for all students to learn in the work place; an experience that cannot be replicated in school.  All students are offered the opportunity for a meaningful work experience in July of Year 10. This is not a compulsory part of the curriculum, but is undertaken by the majority of students.  

Students are encouraged to arrange their own work experience. The school will provide support with placements as appropriate and on the basis of need. Bespoke platforms will support the work experience administration, tracking and analysis. Parents are informed and communicated with throughout the process and a work experience agreement form and work experience information form are completed. 

The school will check that placements meet with the school’s requirements, the students will be treated fairly and that they will undertake meaningful work. All students on the placement are covered by the employers’ insurance. 

Monitoring and Evaluation

Built into the careers programme are opportunities for pupils to self-evaluate and reflect on their learning at key points, such as following work experience and mock interviews during Year 10. Pupils develop a profile on through which their activities and skills development can be recorded and monitored by staff including form tutors and the careers coordinator.

All participants in the programme complete surveys following key events including pupils, parents and employers. Leavers’ destination information is also analysed. Feedback is used to further improve the careers programme. 

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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